Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My New Cell Phone

Up until December 24 I had intentionally avoided phones...for a variety of reasons. However, missing my family on Jesus´birthday (I believe he was actually born in June?) I bought a pre-paid cell phone for about $28 bucks. Now the thing is, I barely know how to use it as all the instructions are in Spanish. I have successfully made a few calls to family and friends and the thing worked pretty good. I finally figured out what my number is....what gave me a clue? Well, I turned the phone over and noticed the giant sticker on the back that says "mi numero 45277956." So if anyone wants to call me now you have my number...and from what I can figure you would need to dial these numbers first (001+502+number). But don´t bother leaving a message if you don´t get me because I have no idea how to retrieve my messages....perhaps I will find someone to help me. But I am pretty ok not having much phone in my life....for now.

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