Friday, December 7, 2007

Can You Say "Yeast Infection" in Spanish?

Well neither can I. Now understand that traveling in Latin America without a firm grip of the local language means resorting to creative use of pictures, gesticulations, charades, and fractured Spanish. Now imagine being in a conservative Catholic country and needing to explain to a 50-something, Spanish speaking Farmacia attendant that you have a yeast infection. Do I act out that I have an itchy vagina? Pretend to scratch myself and make a sad face? Como se dice "itchy twat.?" Sorry folks, maybe it is too much information but I couldn't´t help but share this one...laughing out loud as I type. Thank the cosmos there was a box of medicine I could point to and the woman confirmed the contents in Spanish I could discern. Feeling much better now. Thanks for reading this one...especially you guys.


Juls said...

marie for your use - infección de levadura

by the way this is jim via julie's account said...

OMG - You are hilarious - Laughed out loud on that one. - Can't read to Zane ;) You are Loved Mer.

IndiaImpressions said...


Anonymous said...

Monistat is not intended to treat a yeast infection as it has hydrocortisone.