Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Antigua is Not a Comfortable Town

I mean physically comfortable. Besides the persistent nightly torture that is my bed, there are few surfaces that offer comfort to the physical self in this town. At first I thought I was a pansy-ass wimp, but others....younger than I, have confirmed that this town ain´t comfy. Most restaurants and bars boast straight back chairs made of unforgiving hard wood. On occasion one will find such chairs with a thin pad laid upon them....offering little relief from the hard surface.

Most Internet cafes are an ergonomic nightmare....with plastic (much more comfy) or wooden chairs at awkward heights relative to the keyboards...stations crammed tightly together. There is one exception, the Mono Loco bar has an Internet cafe that has cushy chairs and real desks and a logical mating of the two. I go there regularly to write on this blog and whatnot. While I write I consciously appreciate the comfort afforded me.....we are spoiled in the US....beyond comprehension!
The picture is what I dream about at night....

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