Sunday, November 4, 2007

Antigua, Guatemala...that is where I am headed to study Spanish and learn something about something. I leave LA early on December 1, 2007 and I return on January 4, 2008. I will study during the week and travel as much as possible on the weekends. I intend to go back to the jungle...Tikal this past January was intense and amazing and filled with amazing birds and screaming monkey's and mosquitos. After catching some tenacious bug in La Paz Mexico this past August, I am going to get shots for the various diseases Central America offers. Also, back on the malaria meds for a couple months....the amount of mosquito's in the jungle was incomprehensible...they seemed quite partial to my particular flavor of blood. So pink pills and shots it will be.

1 comment:

Jratrain said...

I can't wait to follow you on your excursion. Best of luck in your linguistic and cultural en devour.